dinsdag 21 juni 2011

A new saga begins...

Finally I managed to escape from the dungeons of university and throw off the chains of indoctrination. Now the time has come for another new climbingquest, this time to the US and Canada. Together with Tim, a.k.a. Red, we'll leave Europe for a full 3 month trip to the most known cliffs of western North America. First we'll head to Squamish near to Vancouver to do some crack climbing. There I hope to meet Siebe Vanhee, a friend of mine and an excellent climber, who is now on his way to Smith Rock, Oregon. This friday is the day the adventure starts, stay tuned for more...
Btw I'm not this muscled "yet".


1 opmerking:

  1. Ik hef een glas plat water op de avonturen van Satan Sam en Redhead Tim!! Knallen maar!

