dinsdag 13 december 2011

The dichotomy paradox: “That which is in locomotion must arrive at the half-way stage before it arrives at the goal"

We have a major problem. According to Zeno from Elea Achilles can never win from a tortoise in a running race; a flying arrow is not moving; and reaching a wall is impossible. His dichotomy paradox suggests that in order to reach the wall one first has to walk half of the distance, then the next half, and the next half. So if it is 20m to the wall, you walk 10m, next 5m, 2,5m and so on, untill infinity, and you never reach the wall. We could apply this theory on a rockclimbing situation, concluding one could never reach the anchor of a given route........


I'm going to deprove this theorem. Rendev-vous in Turkey from december 14 to 24, together with me, Tim, David Joris, Bart and Klaas.
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